
New Small Business Grants

Exciting news! the Queensland Government has announced three new small business grants programs worth $25 million over two years.

The Business Basics, Business Boost and Business Growth Fund grants will target specific groups within the sector and continue to deliver on the Government’s election commitments to small business.

These grants are a result of the feedback provided from small businesses like yourself that these support programs are crucial to assist Queensland businesses at different stages of the business lifecycle.

New Grants:

  • Business Basics grants of up to $5,000 each support new and emerging businesses to increase core capabilities and adopt current best practice. Applications to open on May 31, 2021
  • Business Boost grants of up to $15,000 will help small businesses to improve their efficiency and productivity through organisational development and upgrades through automated software and CRM systems. Grants can be used for website development and upgrades, strategic marketing, training and coaching, advisory services and planning for business continuity and succession. Applications to open in late July 2021.
  • Business Growth Fund grants of up to $50,000 will allow businesses to buy highly specialised equipment to seize and accelerate growth opportunities. Applications to open May 11, 2021, with Guidelines available from 1 May.

Small business operators should visit the Business Queensland website to access the grants schedule as well as guidelines and eligibility information for the Business Growth Fund to get ready to apply.

Don't forget Round 2 of the Small Business Covid-19 Adaption Grant Program is still open to Regional Queensland; we have been inundated with businesses that have been successful with our assistance in their grant application over the last twelve months. So if you haven't already make sure you check to see if you are available to access up to $10,000 for your business.

And that’s where we can help. Bang Media can help you formulate your digital strategy and provide you with a detailed statement for your application. More importantly, if your grant is approved, we can execute your digital strategy.

Give us a call or send us an email today.

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