
How to Create your Facebook Business Page

Getting your business seen on facebook is EASY. So, we've put together a step-by step guide to creating a Facebook Business Page to prove it.

1. Create the page

  • Head to You will need to be logged into your Facebook personal account to create your Facebook Business Account, but your personal information will not appear on your new business page.
  • Choose your page type: Business/brand or Community/public figure and click "get started".
  • Enter your business details.

2. Add brand images

This is where you upload your profile and cover photos. Make sure to use the optimal image sizes for Facebook.Once you're on the page, click on the camera icon located in the bottom right of the cover photo space, which will allow you to upload or select an existing photo from your computer or Facebook library.Make sure the image you choose is at least 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall for the cover photo. For the profile picture, click on the profile picture space and choose a photo that represents your business, preferably a square image with dimensions of at least 180 pixels by 180 pixels.Once you've chosen your images, click "Save" and your new cover photo and profile picture will be displayed on your business page.

3. Complete your Page info

Click Edit Page Info and fill in the following sections:

  • Description: 255 characters to describe your business, who you are and what you do.
  • Contact information: Fill in all the ways you want people to be able to reach your business (including your website).
  • Extra options: If it’s relevant to your business, add your operating hours, price range, and privacy policy.

4. Create your Facebook username (your URL)

Your username helps people find you on Facebook. Click Create Page @Username to make one. It can be up to 50 characters long.Ideas for your URL:

  • Choose a search-friendly page name. In most cases, this will be your brand name.
  • If possible, use a consistent username across all social networks. (Instagram, Twitter Pinterest etc) for example we have used "bangmediacairns" for all of ours.

5. Add a call-to-action button

A call-to-action button gives people a quick and easy way to reach out to you. For example they can, book a meeting, shop for your products, or otherwise engage with your business. Click Add a Button under your cover photo to set one up.

6. Review your Facebook Page settings

Your Facebook Page settings give you custom control over who sees what on your page. Take a look to make sure you understand the privacy and security settings in particular.That’s it! Your Facebook Page is set up and ready to go.We are here to help so if you need assistance with your Business get in touch :)

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