
Does my Business Need a website?

Are you a business owner in Cairns and the FNQ area who has have been sitting on the fence about getting a website? Not sure if you even need one? How would it benefit your business?

Let us shed some light on why we believe a website is beneficial to your business!Technology is the driving change to consumer behaviour. Therefore, customers expect to be able to open up their search engine and find out about your business online. When searching online, consumers want to be provided solutions and they want them to be clearly and quickly delivered to them.Furthermore, we believe that having a website levels the playing field and gives everyone from small, local, corporate and online businesses a chance. Websites are the first representation of who you are and what you provide. Having a website allows you to have a global connection to customers you could not physically or knowingly reach, this is especially beneficial for ecommerce stores and people wanting to contact or look for your services outside of the daily 9-5 for instance.Similarly, Stanford University Identified through its research that over 75% of consumers judged a company or service on if they had a website or not and how well designed the website was. Therefore, a clean, mobile optimised, professional site with rich content can be linked to your businesses success.

The way we invite our clients to look at websites is as a platform that:

- Ensures you can be found online; giving you a better chance of new clients!- Make a first impression showing who you are and what you do.- That tells your brand story using text and images setting you apart.- Provides a platform to showcase solutions to the questions there clients are searching for on google.- Provides Analytics and ROI data. Your website has the ability to show you your return on investment. Such as; profits from your online store, leads through search engines. Furthermore, you can even track when you direct people to your site from social media or blog posts to see how many people follow these call to actions.See how website can elevate your business today.See more about our Website services

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